Who we are

I am Emanoil Cosma, licensed nurse, expert in medical emergencies, with over 20 years of experience in family medicine and medical emergencies. 7 years ago I discovered Health Reform, a theory with the help of which I improved my health to incredible limits, applying the laws of health in an intelligent way and well adapted to each condition. Being sick myself, I managed to perfectly control the chronic gastritis I suffered from, as well as the anxiety, irritable bowel and allergic conditions that made my life very complicated, without the need for pills. Fascinated by the results, I began to study nutrition and subsequently Health Reform at the highest level, completing a Postgraduate Degree in Nutrition and then pursuing a PhD in Nutrition and Metabolism. I managed in the last 6 years, helped by my wife, to change the lives of more than 6000 people, educating them to eat, drink and live, respecting the 10 laws of health, also showing them how to apply the remedies correctly simple natural, without further intoxicating the already sick body, through a protocol adapted to each person, according to age, height, weight and collateral conditions. Thanks to God, my wife and my loved ones, I have been able to carry this wonderful work this far and I sincerely wish that we reach as many people as possible in the near future. Thank you to all who believed, applied and through their experience, could testify that the divine promise in Exodus 15:26 is valid for anyone who understands that in order to receive the blessing, they must cooperate with the Great Physician, obeying the laws and His ordinances, because only in this way will he restore his lost health.

Red Clay

Medicinal red clay is a true gift of nature because it absorbs harmful radiation, destroys diseased cells, detoxifies the body by extracting toxins from the skin, reduces inflammation and has soothing and cooling effects.


I want to thank Mr. Cosma for the (miraculous) diet that I like to call that. I admit, at first, I was skeptical that it would be useful to me. But I said I have nothing to lose if I try. So I started this program and after 3-4 days I felt very good and started to trust the program and especially Mr. Cosma. I haven't felt this good in years. I had problems with gastritis, bloating and gastroesophageal reflux. I'm already a month and a half into natural treatment and I feel really, really good. I also thank God for having special people here on earth that he uses to help those in need.

Ana O


Hello. I am starting the second month of treatment. I thank God for giving me strength and Mr. Emanoil Cosma for the treatment and guidance. After a month of treatment I feel really, really good, before I felt tired all the time, I was always sick with nausea, vomiting, gastric reflux and anxiety. Now these symptoms are almost gone. I lost almost 10 kg as a bonus in addition to all these positive effects. For those who haven't decided to start, I encourage you to do so because the change is tremendous. Good luck everyone!

Victoria Z


Thank you Emanuel for telling me about reformaprovita. I don't even want to remember those days of suffering. I couldn't see a way out. Emanuel, thank you for helping me change the way I eat and drink. I have learned to live according to the laws of health that govern our bodies. And the anxiety and depression left me. Now my only problem is that my clothes are still big, due to the fact that I lost 10 kilos. Now it's a pleasure to eat healthy. I thank God for giving me this new opportunity. I encourage you all, it will be worth it!

Cristian A
