Trust, faith, and wisdom grant a healthy life

Trust, faith, and wisdom grant a healthy life

Ending today with the natural wisdom postulates that guard our physical health, we arrive today to the tenth and last precept. It is fundamental to know them and practice them every day, because they will give you a long life full of health and wellness. In this sense, the trust in the love of our Creator is the key to a healthy life, full of blessings.

This is the moment to also talk about the last Decalogue of Commandment that God revealed to Moses in Mount Sinai. Let’s remember that the fourth first orient our relationship with God and the other six guide us in our relationship with one another.

The Natural Wisdom postulates and the Ten Commandments of God’s Law are the perfect formula for a happy and healthy life, physically, mentally and spiritually, and they are the safe passage to access Eternal Life when we stop this earthly existence.

This is why it preoccupies us to see that many Christians don’t observe these principals with the proper seriousness, letting themselves be influenced by the banalities of this consumerist and frivolous society that uses them and intoxicates them, affecting their balance to the point to turn them into human spoils in an era in which, still the human being can be productive, self sufficient and happy.

This is the moment to also talk about the last Decalogue of Commandment that God revealed to Moses in Mount Sinai. Let’s remember that the fourth first orient our relationship with God and the other six guide us in our relationship with one another.

The Natural Wisdom postulates and the Ten Commandments of God’s Law are the perfect formula for a happy and healthy life, physically, mentally and spiritually, and they are the safe passage to access Eternal Life when we stop this earthly existence.

This is why it preoccupies us to see that many Christians don’t observe these principals with the proper seriousness, letting themselves be influenced by the banalities of this consumerist and frivolous society that uses them and intoxicates them, affecting their balance to the point to turn them into human spoils in an era in which, still the human being can be productive, self sufficient and happy.

Trust in God must be complete

THE TENTH PRECEPT OF NATURAL WISDOM refers to “Trust fully and firmly in God, the Creator”.

The Natural Wisdom laws are the reflex of God’s perfection. With them, He wanted to ensure for us the balance and physical, mental and spiritual health for our wellness, happiness, and freedom, because by having a healthy body, mind, and spirit, we won’t need drugs, doctors or clinics.

In its plan to reduce us to consuming machines, our society incites us to trust more in human science than in divine wisdom. Instead of pushing us to take care of our health by making us responsible of our life habits, they try to make us more and more dependent and irresponsible.

This sounds harsh, but it’s a great truth: we know that the laws of Natural Wisdom can save us pain and suffering, diseases and premature death. But, it’s hard for us to put them in practice.

The equation is clear: every time there are more medicines and less health; there is more information and less quality in the convenience, both in the society as in families; people are insatiable in their desire of power but they are more and more less honest.

To think that the human being descends from the monkey is not very encouraging. Instead, if we accept that we are a work of the Creator and feed ourselves with trust in Him, as the Bible explains in Genesis 1:25,26: “God created the animals on Earth according to their gender… Then God said: Let’s make man to our image...”, then we will discover that our destiny is being more alike our Celestial Father and his beloved Son Jesus Christ.

Many believers of several religions don’t give testimony of their faith with their acts, but maintaining the premise not to judge, we’ll simply say that everyone has to render account the day of Final Judgment, because, in this earthly existence, justice is very discredited, and who holds the power gives the worst examples.

Our Celestial Father respects free will, that is to say, he doesn’t force anyone to comply His Holy Will. We know that by Divine Justice, everyone receives the fruits of what he or she planted in their thoughts, word and acts.

I say these things because it is my responsibility before the Universe, besides curing the body, you have to watch out too for your health in mind and spirit, because otherwise I would be condemning myself.


The Bible says in Exodus 20:17: “You shall not covet your neighbor's house, you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything of your neighbor”.

As we mentioned before, in the Catechism the 2nd Commandment was eliminated as it appears in Exodus 20:4-6: “Don’t create images and honor them”. Similarly, the 4th Commandment was changed, expressed in Exodus 20:8-11: “Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it”; actually Catechism expresses simply “Sanctify the Holidays”.

The Tenth Commandment was then divided into two: “You shall not covet the property of others", and "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife”. Be confident that God gives you everything you need.

According to the Bible, our obedience must be oriented towards God things and not towards other men’s caprices. Nevertheless, thanks to this division of the Tenth Commandment, we now have nine Commandments instead of the original Decalogue.

According to the Bible, our obedience must be oriented towards God things and not towards other men’s caprices. Nevertheless, thanks to this division of the Tenth Commandment, we now have nine Commandments instead of the original Decalogue. Apostle Paul’s reflexion in Romans 7:7 expresses: “What will we then say? Is Law sin? No way. But I didn’t know sin but by the Law: because I wouldn’t know greed, if the Law didn’t say: “You will not greed”. And then he adds in Ap.22:18, 19: “I testify everyone that hears the words of the prophecy in this book (referring to the Bible)”: If anyone adds something to these things, God will bring over it the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone should remove the words from the prophecy’s book, God will remove his part of the book of life, and of the holy city, and of the things that are written in this book”.

This means that in the Bible itself it is advised to us and warned that nothing of what God has said should be changed.


The only way to heal that God approves is the Law of Natural Wisdom, which is direct, simple and saint, based in the principles of Nature that don’t intoxicate or unbalance our organism, as it occurs in fact with drugs and chemicals in general.


  1. Pure air.
  2. Sunlight
  3. Pure water
  4. Balanced nutrition
  5. Fast and abstinence
  6. Physical exercise
  7. Odihnă
  8. Physical hygiene
  9. Mental hygiene
  10. Complete trust in God

These are the principles that will keep us in optimal physical, mental and spiritual health conditions; they’re all at your fingertips and at our will. Some are free and others are very low cost, but their benefits are priceless.

Because of that, don’t faint in yourself the efforts to know and apply the benefits of the Law of Natural Wisdom. CRA.355 “Advices about Nutritional Regimen” of E.G. de White.
