This week we will continue to study the Principles of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health. Today we will learn the benefits of physical exercise for your well-being and your health.
If you put this knowledge into practice faithfully and with enthusiasm, you will feel a radical change in your integral health. I hope you value the importance that these principles have for you, for your health, and for those around you. Do not hesitate to share this knowledge once you begin to feel the improvements that they will bring you. By sharing these valuable principles with others so that they benefit as well, you will be doing them a favor. In this way we will make this world better and we will give our contribution to make it a more human place. Our life is important as we help others improve their health and happiness.
Sixth Principle of Natural Law: physical exercise. Know the benefits of physical exercise.
Although you eat healthy and natural, you cannot live healthily without physical exercise. The best way to feel the benefits of physical exercise is probably simpler and cheaper than you thought: walk energetically. It is recommended that you do it at least one hour a day. You can do half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon. The ideal thing is to do it by field, mountain or beach, whenever possible. If you do not have the opportunity to do it in these places, do not worry. Look for streets where there is not much traffic of cars, where the sun touches and there is not much noise.
To experience the benefits of physical exercise you do not need machines or lifting weights. You do not need to spend any money, because walking is the most healthy and natural thing to do, and it's the cheapest too. Although swimming is also healthy, man is being made for walking. What is the best way to walk? Walk upright, at a good pace. Always breathing deeply and with rhythm, without exceeding yourself.
Like all principles, I share them because I personally experienced their benefits. In addition to healthy exercise and sunbathing, I have my own garden to have organic vegetables, which I recommend you to do also.
Even better: add positive thinking to the benefits of physical exercise
Think positively. Meditate on the benefits of healthy living and the privilege of having known these health principles. Thanks to them you have learned to eat more naturally and healthily. You have known the risk to your health to eat certain foods.
So do not feel unhappy because you have stopped eating some foods after all these did not benefit your health and only made you sick. Do not feel embarrassed to say that you have made the decision not to smoke or drink alcoholic beverages or soft drinks. Yes, also avoid soft drinks. Nothing good will happen with their large amount of sugar, chemicals, dyes, and preservatives that also produce dependence.
Be prudent and educated. Do not criticize anyone who does not follow or understand healthy life, but be firm and faithful in following the Principles of Health. Life is too important to spend on habits and vices that only harm your health and reduce your usefulness in this world.
Take action and share your experience
Be better and feel better every day when taking action on your well-being. Set out to learn every day new and healthy things according to Natura. More than that, put them into practice and with enthusiasm. You will feel how your health and your life will totally change. You will be a new person.
Ideally, your partner and your family will also accept this healthy lifestyle. But if this cannot be, look for other people who want to improve their living conditions. When the Reformation is made in groups, it is more enjoyable and easier to make the necessary changes, sharing this knowledge and experiences.
Tell me about your progress and your experience so that I am also happy that my work has not been in vain. Whether you want to tell me your experience or ask me any other question, do it through my e-mail
Decalogue of Mental and Spiritual Law: the sixth principle
The Sixth Commandment of the Law of God is found in the Bible in Exodus, chapter 20 and verse 13. It says: "Thou shalt not kill."
In the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 5 and verses, from 21 to 24, Jesus Christ taught: "You have heard that it was said to the ancients: 'You shall not kill, and whoever kills shall be guilty of judgment. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be guilty of judgment; and whoever says: Fool (imbecile) to his brother, he will be guilty before the council; and anyone who says: Fatuous (crazy), will be exposed to hell’s fire. Therefore, if you bring your offering to the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar, and go, reconcile yourself first with your brother, and then come and present your offering”.
Jesus Christ, the Great Teacher, our Savior, expands and specifies this brief Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill". When you mistreat or offend someone with a contemptuous word, you will already be sinning against him. You are hurting him and you are insulting him. From there on you can start a fight that can end in hate or, even worse, in a crime. When we despise someone, we are also sinning against our Heavenly Father, since this person is a daughter or son of God and deserves our respect.
Being a good Christian, loving without criticizing or judging
We should not criticize or judge anyone, because God only knows the heart and circumstances of each person. He will judge and give each one the reward or punishment he deserves. Some justify their bad treatment claiming that the person deserves it for their lack of education and their clumsiness, but that is not right. Jesus taught us by precept and for example that we should love everyone, even those who do not deserve it. He taught us that we should love even our enemies, and return good for evil. In this way we will be children of our Heavenly Father, who makes his sun rise on good and bad situations, and rain on the just and unjust (Matthew, 5: 38-48). I beg you to read this biblical passage.
Most Christians have not understood Christianity and behave like anyone who does not have the hope of eternal life. Many Christians believe that Christianity is to pray and follow some ceremonies, but it is not so. Being a Christian is following the example of Christ. Read in the Bible James, 2: 8-26, and you will be surprised of what the Apostle James teaches us about true Christianity.
Remember that the greatest commandment is "Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength." And the second is similar to this one: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself". Matthew, 22: 36-40. These two Commandments summarize all of the Ten Commandments of the Law of God, given at Sinai to Moses. Exodus, 20: 1-17.

To take with you
"God has established laws that govern our constitution, and for every transgression there is a penalty (illness) that must be fulfilled sooner or later. Men due to the ignorance of the basic Laws that govern their own organism have created most of the diseases that have caused suffering and that are making humanity suffer. They seem indifferent in matters of health, and work with perseverance to tear themselves apart, and when they are broken and weakened bodily and mentally, they send for the doctor and bring death with drugs (medicines) "CRA.20”.