There are simple remedies that you can prepare to help you on your way to your positive life, which you will achieve through a combination of physical, mental and spiritual health. For this, in addition, you must know the laws that govern your physical organism and those that control the mind, the affective and spiritual part of the person.
Begin to purify your body using simple remedies like this: the depurative broth. You should add a chopped onion, two leaves of cabbage (fresh cabbage or nettles freshly cut from the field) to a liter of water, a stalk of celery and a little salt. Let it boil for half an hour and it will be ready.
Add lemon juice to a glass of broth, just before you drink it. We recommend doing it three times a day, one hour before each meal, for a month. Later you can do it every three months in order to cleanse your body and prevent diseases.
How do simple remedies help?
In the case of depurative broth you can eliminate toxins, control cholesterol, uric acid and sugar if you are diabetic. Urinary infections heal quickly with this simple remedy, as well as it cleans the kidneys.
However, if you only dedicate yourself to cleanse your body, but not your mind, you will not achieve complete health. For this you must learn to think positive, since we are what we think. The mind is like a garden that always produces. "If you do not plant good vegetables, weeds will grow."
If you do not read good books every day and do not propose to yourself to learn to think and live positively, you will be manipulated by this remote-controlled society. "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. For whatever a man sows, that will also reap". Galatians, 6: 7-10 (this is the law of cause to effect).
Allow yourself to think positive
The wise Socrates said "I only know that I know nothing" and this is to know a lot! Because most people think they know everything. Then, open your mind to the learning of life and you can begin to think more positively.
The Apostle Paul advises us to "think and meditate on all that is true, all that is honest, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, all that is of good name; if there is any virtue, if there is something worthy of praise, think of this", Philippians, 4: 8. This is thinking positive. Plato said: "Looking for the good of others, we will find ours." This is living in positive. This is thinking and acting positively. E.G. White taught: "Good deeds are a double blessing, for they take advantage of the one who makes them, and those who receive their benefits. The consciousness of having done well is one of the best medicines for sick minds and bodies." MC.199 (The Ministry of Healing).
The wise old saying says: "Healthy body, healthy mind", so if you learn to live healthily, you will have a healthy and lucid mind. But it is also said "Healthy Mind, Healthy Body", that is, one who has a healthy mind, thinks positively, and does not vegetate, nor follows popular custom, nor is guided by what the majority does, but thinks positive and also acts positively.