The depurative broth, the best method for cleansing the blood and intestines

The depurative broth, the best method for cleansing the blood and intestines

What is the depurative broth and what actions does it have on the body?

The depurative broth recipe is easy to make and apply. Before losing weight or trying to cure ourselves of any disease, we must do a profound cleaning of our organism, to be able to start the desired treatment, whether it is to relieve or cure any disease or simply lose weight.
The depurative broth is the best way to cleanse our digestive system from toxins and waste that accumulates inevitably for eating too much and also consuming junk food (that leaves a lot of residue in our body).
Our intestine, as well that the pipes in our kitchen, accumulates waste (up to 8-9 kilos) and, every once in a while a deep depuration is needed.
The effects of the broth are very similar to that of a brush, thanks to the insoluble and partially soluble fibers, that stimulate the intestinal transit and facilitate the elimination of toxins, sweeping our digestive tract.

Mode of preparation of depurative broth

Flay a middle size onion and cut it into pieces, wash well a branch of celery and two cabbage leaves and add everything together in a liter of water.
Boil the mixture for about 30 minutes on low heat, add a pinch of salt (not much) and let it rest for a few minutes. Then you filter it. You can also replace the cabbage with fresh lettuce or tender nettles, but the depurative effect will be less.
This way you obtain the broth.
Note: You can prepare twice as broth, folding the quantities of ingredients, but it’s not convenient to prepare more quantity.

How to drink the broth for the depurative effect

You can begin to take it 45 minutes before your main meals of the day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), one cup of broth.
During the first week of treatment, in every cup, you can add lemon juice, that is, three lemons a day.
The second week, you can add in each cup juice from two lemons, which will be a total of 6 lemons per day.
On the third week, add in each cup juice from three lemons, using 9 lemons a day.
The fourth week is for resting (you won’t drink the broth or lemon juice).

For how long should you drink the broth for the body to be able to eliminate the waste?

You will need to repeat the same take mentioned before after the fourth week, with a variable duration, depending on the case. The broth treatment and the lemon can have a minimum effect of two months and can last up to six months, depending on the condition.

Final results in the organism

Its stimulative and depurative action makes the depurative broth a perfect ally in the fight against overweight and cellulitis, favoring the elimination of waste, the stimulation of the local circulation and the metabolic activity in general, with a regulative effect.

So, in the case of slimming cures, it works as the best start for a treatment, next to a healthy diet, based on every nutrient. But not just for losing weight the depurative broth is recommended, also for treating different diseases, such as acute and chronic gastritis, irritable colon, gastric reflux, fatty liver, diabetes, constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, etc, thanks to its regulative effect for the sugar level in blood, and also the scarring and immune-stimulative effect of the lemon, due to its capacity of converting into much more alkaline inside the human body and regulating the acidity.

If you wish to have a personalized treatment, please contact us through the Consultation Form, write us to or call 0034/671688019.

You will be happy without a doubt!
